•Your Name
•Email Address
•1. Are you tired of making money for someone else? Yes No
•2. Would you rather put your time into your own business? Yes No
•3. Do you love camping and the company of other campers? Yes No
•4. Do you really enjoy working in the great outdoors? Yes No
•5. Are you looking for a business that may offer family togetherness? Yes No
•6. Would you like to own a business that could teach your children responsibility? Yes No
•7. Would you enjoy waking up everyday on the shores of a lake; a great mountian vista; or a senic ocean view? Yes No
•8. Would you want to get your kids out of the urban school enviroment? Yes No
•9. Would you like to own a business where your customers are there to relax? Yes No
•10. Do you love to work with your hands and/or repair things? Yes No
•11. Are you looking for a change in LIFESTYLE? Yes No
•12. Would you like to have your winters free? Yes No
•Yes! Please email me of any information and updates in the this website.
•All Fields Are Required